If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Friday, June 4, 2010


i get bothered by the free market folks regularly, daily, hourly.

no need for the federal government to intervene, the market always finds a way. --yes, a way, but the right one?

no need for national forests, when lumber prices rise high enough, we'll use something else. --yeah thats plastics, and look at them. they give us cancer and are reliant on chemicals. and chemicals are reliant on things, which are reliant on other things. etc etc. trees are reliant on us being good to them. (oversimplification, yes, but a necessary one)

its through economic progress that we advance as a society.
--what does that mean? anything?

--drilling for oil didnt invent penicillin. we can still do STUFF without STUFF.