no, not june 6, 1944. june 7, 2010. this sunburn is driving me nuts. when writing this i feel like im on a deserted island or something. writing on some parchment paper: 'days turned into nights, nights into days, days into weeks, weeks into months.' ive been up since 5:55 this morning. i remember very little about the day. ive scared the heck out of hannah. she thinks ive gone insane. i can focus on something else for maybe 10 minutes tops before it hits me like a freight train. ive screamed bloody murder twice, that i know of. this has been worse than appendicitis and my shoulder. if its this bad tomorrow im going to the e.r. and making them give me 50 cc of morphine or something. listening to clemson. were doing everything in our power to throw away the game, as usual. yuck.
If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?