(the english in particular) stop bitching about the vuvuzelas. im sorry that you feel offended that a crowd would dare to create an energetic atmosphere, when you prefer such dead environments to watch sports in. most of the world is unlike you in that regard. ok its loud as hell and the players are having a problem communicating, but this isnt chess (not exactly anyway), deal with it. its supposed to be loud. The world cup is in South Africa now, not anywhere else. Don't take its essence away. When its in Europe, we complain about how quiet some matches are. It was great in south korea/japan. Its always great in the Americas. And its always europe complaining about the atmosphere. Take it upon yourselves to make a good atmosphere then when you host. Sure chants are great, and i loved that aspect of the sport when i went to matches last year. but at times it would be dead during the match. So -centric they are. arg.
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