so i decided id live blog the first game of usc-clemson. no promises this will be entertaining. at all.
9:02- watching this one alone, because i didnt feel like putting pants on to go downtown and watch it.
9:03- robin ventura says clemson would like 'a little more pop.' because when a team's batting average is like .350, thats what they need.
9:05- ive realized that over the last three weeks, what with the world cup and college world series going, ive watched espn more than pbs.
9:06- im nervous about this one.
9:08-espn talking about 'the fight' and put up a picture of yusef kelly kicking in whats his face's head. REPRESENT.
9:10-first pitch is in the dirt. come on leone.
9:11-second pitch and he gives up a double. this blog may not last long.
9:15-sorry kind of forgot about this already. usc up 1-0. were about to bat.
9:16- commercial for the espy's. seth meyers is hosting, i guess they don't want anyone to watch.
9:18 epps swinging at the first pitch, as usual.
9:20 1-2-3 inning. crap.
9:24 another leadoff double. al;sdfj.
9:29 now we should begin to swing
9:33 alright take some pitches KP.
9:36 oh geez.
9:38 going into the third usc up 2-0. and out comes the booze.
9:40 wow that was deep. and why is bill wingo wearing all usc stuff? traitor.
9:43 33 minutes and i havent really seen anything good for us yet. BUT THERE IS STILL TIME.
9:45 haselden up in the bullpen. hoping we wouldnt have to go there.
9:49 haselden going in for leone. just made my first drink and its a doozy. we'll see how long the words floweth.
9:52 commercial for usa ghana. thatll go well right?
9:55 erin andrews just got hit by a ball. AND WE GOT A HIT. DOUBLE. AWOOGA AWOOGA.
9:57 we just scored on the wild pitch. since im now drinking. im going to say that was a whisky pitch, calling upon the powers of scotland.
10:08 usc hr. was just about to say how it looks like were going to get a scoreless inning.
10:09 time to score los runs.
10:16 hello im still here. nothing good is happening.
10:19 turns out i made a strong drink
10:24 nice we held them this inning.
10:32 usc is about to put in tyler webb, the guy we scored like 7 on in march.
10:39 blew that one 5-1 now. miller with his 129489 error of the year. miller time?
10:45 nestor pinch hitting? goodness. thats odd. good thing we put him in to strike out
10:50 time to call on shoeless joe and the mofugging field of dreams.
10:50 baseball is so full of cliche's and wittisms, but i cant think of any. except for shoeless joe and the field of dreams.
10:51 speaking of that, first time i saw field of dreams i cried.
10:52 cruz is in. we officially will not win today.
10:53 scott wingo, for usc, is billy wingo, a clemson great's son. NO KIDDING YOUVE SAID IT 10 TIMES.
10:54 when this junk is over im going to watch field of dreams. ill spare you all the liveblog for that.
10:56 holy heck cruz just struck 3 out.
11:00 2 hours. and 18 groundouts later.....
11:10 2 innings 4 runs to go to force extras. YES WE CAN. need to call on obama obama now.
11:14 its a good thing that we made it this far keeping it a secret that we cant hit against left handed pitchers.
11:16 lol we got a hit. our second. this should be an 18 inning game. no it shouldnt that be boring as all get out. we might win if it was.
11:19 doesnt matter cause now we're into the 9th.
11:24 vuvuzela's would make this game go more betterer.
11:27 bottom of the 9th. this is it.
11:31 first hit by a left hander for us. too bad its in the 9th with 2 outs.
11:34 and its done. tomorrow? yes. i feel it.