If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Friday, April 23, 2010



Its really so interesting. When they make the inevitable hollywood movie starring matt damon as an insider who comes clean, bill nighy as some paternalistic patronizing GS executive (i should mention that i view a certain version of myself in old age as being exactly like bill nighy in gideon's daughter. in fact, i think one of my first posts was on our mutual admiration). who else is in this? i dont really know. but its coming. maybe inarritu and arriaga will get back together for it? thatd be dead good.

thats not really important though. what is important is that the very nature of wall street is to defraud the american people. Farmers dont make enough revenue anymore to stay independent, but we dont care about that. Wall street has taken from us, and we dont care about that. Well we did, but for one news cycle, but we dont care anymore. And the hubris of the Republicans to try to block financial regulation reform! oh how admirable. what is that? the free market doesnt work. this has been shown time after time after time. both here and abroad. What does the pursuit of profit do to people? well thats a question of human nature i suppose, and im not getting into that. the short of it is that it makes people quite rude and selfish.

Ive been watching the debates between cameron, brown and clegg from across the pond. 2 national debates in the country's history and they manage to cogently address issues.

this just reminds me of hamlet's address to ophelia. to a nunnery go.

the world turns. yes, just not like it should. must be the seismic activity of late. yes it must be that.