If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Thursday, April 15, 2010


'Men are just liars and thieves.' the avett brothers said that. as did many woman. as did many men. the avett brothers also said 'somebody's been lying to you.' after they said that other line. I said that too. no matter no matter. hey look at this.


its so tragic isnt it. was she cheating on mark? who knows. does it matter? no. but its justthatd just be so perfect if she was though. its like whoever smelt it dealt it or something like that. oh so juvenile, but it all is.

i hope this doesnt seem like im defending the love gov. because, well, obviously there is nothing that that man stands for that i agree with. politically, morally or otherwise. im just saying....

AWESOME. he doesnt look the par though. depression era man. depression era. 2 words. not 2 words as in gangsta thug. depression era. the lone comment is so fitting...