If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

2 things

3 things.

1-got a text this morning from a dear friend looking for help on how to get a girl out of his bed. why me, of all people? start vacuuming? i dont know.

2-my everybodyfields liner notes from the record i picked up yesterday are signed by jill andrews, ive just noticed. ''thanks for coming today. jill andrews' is what is says. now i cant help but imagine the circumstances that led to this cd being sold back to the store by its original owner, as i bought it used. itll probably result in me crying for hours on end. thinking on this will probably occupy the rest of my day.

3-now that i have this one in its physical form, in spite of the narrative that im constructing around it, im so happy.

''These songs take the place of conversations that were never spoken. Yet the allow a certain amount of correspondence just the same. Like a letter, there is no immediate response, no one there to interrupt your thoughtful words from lying across a melody line. but there is more than one author here, and you are both eager to speak, as you send your letters to the same address.''