If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

so how can i be in a 'team of mavericks'

do i hate palin, yes i hate palin. she answered no questions, and her responses were read, not extemporaneous. She took the buzz words from ifill's question and read her generalized response. awful. awful.

"I may not answer the questions the way that either you or the moderator want to hear, but I’m going to speak straight to the American people."

she even admits it. 'dont hate on me.'

wrong facts. 5000 dollars for healthcare can cover everyone. obamas healthcare is run by the feds. main street exists in alaska. indeterminate causes of global warming. 'im an energy expert'

sarah palin, part time mayor of wasilla. a city, as small as it is, that employs a FULL TIME city manager. city managers of course run policy. sarah palin tried to ban books and shoot wolves.

greed and corruption on wall street. johm mccain.

we import 25%. alaska has 3%. its statistically insignificant. subsidize oil please???

and the polls in. 54 to 36 biden. 64% said biden did better than they expected. 84% said palin better than expected (but it wasnt very high)