If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i do


i laughed when i read this. not for anything in the article, but for the comments. because anything raced based will automatically revert back to white sexyness. the scary big black man. the nappy headed ho. what about the skinny white jew who owns all the banks? which is scarier.


is he drunk? chocolate mousse (with his picture on it), antoinette said let them eat cake.... and cake they shall have!

“Just remember, folks, I am on the ballot. Don't be carried away with this vice president stuff. I am on the ballot running for my seventh term…so don't forget, don't stop at the top of that ticket, walk your way down. You can vote twice for the first time in your life for the same guy and it’d be legal.”

thats funny.