i didnt bring all my books back this year, and my ongoing cashflow crisis has prevented me from buying as many as i thought i would be able to. what do I do when I want to read a section from one of them? nothing. because I cant. easy answer. i mean in a way its pretty logical that i didnt, for one thing i would never get anything done (not like i do anyway). That being said, i just submitted my birthday book wish list to my parents, and gosh is it long. this event is important to me as alistair darling bringing in the annual budget to parliament. theres a name for that day but i cant seem to remember it. and i guess in fairness they all already know wahts in the budget, as opposed to my parents who dont. so really the two are nothing alike. crimony i hope all my metaphors arent this useless.
If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
1:46 AM
*a book not on the list-british parliamentary procedure.
oh well, im going to go to mcclure's tomorrow for some retail therapy-but if its a snow day-to malaprops fo sho. even if it results in me driving up us-25 sideways in the ice, blasting 'born to run.' my gosh early springsteen was so great, and still is mind you. there is a great great thing about parents who are audiophile's-its very easy to convince them of paying for 2 $80 tickets to remind them of their youth. Hold on now, dont question my motivations. thats a bonafide Experience. it really must piss that generation off though that there was a time when they could see springsteen once a month in cleveland for like 5 bucks. that to me, would be the American/Dream.
have i posted the low anthem yet? i dunno. i lose track. most of the stuff i want to post never end up making it until like 6 months or a day or two post facto. better late than never, i always say. unless its like a kid or something. in which case early and late are bad, and to some extent so would be never at all. MORE BAD METAPHORS. logically i shouldve put springsteen on here, but you see, i wrote that first paragraph and this paragraph (barring this sentence, which came much much later) before the second paragraph. so really, i dont know what the hell has gone on with this one.
Book angst->UK Parliament->Bad Metaphor->Books->Reckless Driving->Springsteen->America->Low Anthem->Charles Darwin->Kids->MGMT? no->Bad Metaphors->hyperlink cinema?
my bad guys, too much happening in this one. not so digestible i would assume? like hard tack? more bad metaphors?
Hell have some bruce.
what to pick though- so much to choose from.....
15 minutes later
-and for no real reason other than i referenced it earlier-
Somethings are better with shitty audio