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Monday, March 8, 2010

while you wait for the others

Mark Linkous RIP
I was very sad to hear the news that Mark Linkous has died. He and his band toured with us in Europe, at the start of OK Computer, and they were great every night. His first two records were very important to me, and I carried his music from the tour into my life, and my friends’ lives too. He was softly spoken, with an Old South courtesy I hadn’t heard before: he introduced me to Daniel Johnston’s music, and the West Virginian writing of Pinckney Benedict. Mark wrote and played some beautiful music, and we’re lucky to have it. Rest in Peace.
from radiohead's blog.
other stuff--
glad to see hurt locker won. avatar was cool and all. but lets be fair, it won the awards it was supposed to win-visual, art direction and cinematography. strong argument for cameron as best director, but having his ex-wife win over him is a better story line for the press to cling on, i think. go underdog. glad i saw crazy heart in time too. damn well deserved for bridges. and its always good to see/hear him high as a kite at these things. what else happened? oh yeah neil patrick harris, that was pretty funny. that man will do anything, i think. baldwin and martin did fine, felt like the whole thing moved along a little better than in the past coupla years. wouldve liked the best original song people to perform like they used to. thatd been dope. especially since it was ryan bingham and burnett that won. <-bias. what else. oh yes. the dolphin thing won. thats good. i need to see that. kinda peeved they cut away from the producer when he held that 'text dolphin to 414414' or whatever. probably woulda cost like 300 bucks when you texted or something sketch like that. i need to see that burma one too. that looked alright. the monks comign down from the mountains was probably the first real revolution that wasnt a manufactured conflict since like well. i dunno. its pretty unique is all. food inc is also a good watch. itll make you not eat for a week though and thats kinda risky for pretty much everybody. so keep that in mind if you see it. oh yeah wtf-that red-haired crazy lady rushing the stage. read in the nytimes that she was a producer that was kicked off the film like a year ago but still was able to qualify for the award. maybe she was the rational one and the director was the dick. it didnt come off like that though. came off like a post-feminist kanye, not that there is anything particularly wrong with either of those two things. just when you put them together you get something like a supernova i guess. is she like one of those randos who bum rushes a convenience store singing david bowie, hops over the counter and stabs the clerk in the chest with a steak knife and runs off with just a single scratch and win? i think ive been reading too much flannery o'connor. not that theres anything particularly wrong with that either. ah well, until next year oscar. long paragraph, sorry.
have i written about ryan bingham yet? i dunno. might will tonight . pretty interesting guy, though i guess everybody's pretty interesting when you get their story anyway. even bob dole was a war hero. and hes about as goram boring as one can get.