If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Friday, March 5, 2010

funny how the world works

"What reason you got say I'm ignorant?"
"That tee-shirt you're wearing, for one thing. If you'd worn it up here in the 1860s it could've gotten you killed, and by your own blood kin."

ron rash wrote this. the kid's wearing a confederate flag t-shirt, if you weren't able to figure that out. funny how in our mountains there seems to be one of the last bastions of the confederacy. driving up us-25, between greenville and hendersonville, there are at least 2 confederate flag shops that i can think of off the top of my head. and of course we can cite countless instances of stars and bars flying in front of a house or trailer. i guess we could say thats all rather ironic, given that most people up in western nc and a good few in the upstate of sc didn't support the confederacy, at all. some things theyd just rather us not know i suppose.

read 'confederates in the attic' by tony horwitz.

the new carolina chocolate drops is quite good.