If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Let Me Out'ta Here

This is what ed choruses in No Surprises.

Made calls to watch obama's coronation and the radiohead webcast, but to no avail. i often forget im in the rare breed of folks who have 3 day school weeks.

it really has been stunning, nigel is running the soundboard tonight and is adding many flourishes of the type only he can manage. (which means the bootleg, both audio and visio (i like this inadvertant blib better) will be superbo). Its sadly their last show of the tour. which means itll be several trips around the sun before we see them again. so thats that. its quite a good show, with talk show host, cymbal rush, karma police, and go slowly getting the run-out.

so as i just said, thats that.

i had a dream last night, a fairly simplistic dream (what?) that spinoza and kant were having some argument ( i dont recall what) only to have the indefatigable zizek rope in from the ceiling wearing a wrestling costume and promptly deal them a whoop. it was a visually stunning dream, albeit a bit thin. zizeks fat though.

continuing on zizek. ive read iraq the borrowed kettle and am now on the appendices. borrowed kettle was fun. the appendices may be even better. its really the juice of it. the borrowed kettle was a fun concept focusing on freud's borrowed kettle joke, as youd expect. http://www.lacan.com/zizekkettle.htm it appears that its online. with the iraqi macguffin and a few of the others that are lumped together in the book format. i thought it a fun logic exercise. logic is bullshit. its like the sat. is logic nothing more than a view in the parallax? i dunno ill have to think about that.

so matic, our serb in the poli sci department. easily summed up. a reformed fukuyamist. no not a 'reformed' fukyamist. or anything someway positive. hes one of the morons that believes fukuyamas latest permutation. the explanation (clarification?) that says 'no no, what i had meant was....no wars will ever be global following the dissolution of the cccp (that has some mysticism, like a block CCCP on the side of a ballistic missile, i like the imagery,).' ok. we can bring in some micheal hardt and klein for starters and throw that one out. wars do not need to be fought militarily . they can be purely economic and include non-state actors. what is a war anyway? oh well. the class is full of dumbshites, what can you do.

for nat. resource econ im in level 657 with my professor. its quite fun, the grad students are a bit weak (but what was i expecting), a marked contrast to the gobshite dougan is telling us in h314 (''speculation does not create long term price impacts'') sure. it only leads to inflationary pressure and an artificial surge in demand, which will raise prices. its not entirely surprising, coming from a chicago school wonkette, specialising in 'hyperinflation' and may have been involved with allende's fall. (im still working on some hard facts there).

i havent talked about obama, but since it was the same speech that he gave here in clemson, i dont really see a point. the audience though, wow. it almost seemed like a wake. a funeral wake. thats ironic. funny ha ha. but seriously. everyone was crying. i left the room, came back and saw some woman crying and actually thought for a minute obama had been shot. i kid you not. i felt my heart palpitate cause i thought hed been shot.

bidens a bit ignorant, but hes only worth 250,000 dollars and takes the train to and from washington, so thats hot. and his wife teaches tech school. which means she is not a billionaire or whatever mccain's wife is. obama mentioned, the clintons, durbin, and biden, but not al gore? hmm. poor gore. oh yeah poor edwards too. we probably saw that whole bit coming though.

one more thing i meant to talk about, cant seem to recall...oh yes. i skipped class to chase the tornado around. it was like the prague spring. everyone gets caught up in it and takes a million pictures, walks around not knowing fuck all what is going on, and all the pictures turn out shite.
