well here it goes, dont expect too much because much of what happened has fallen into that place where it takes some triggering to bring it out. kept some notes throughout, but its not too easy to keep record. not to mention you come off a bit like a creep.
we went over pretty early as I was of course committed to the oxford band. The gates were meant to open at 11, but of course that didnt happen. At one point some security douche did a rick-roll in announcing that the gates were open, triggering a dash to the security counters and such. nearly caused me to blow an aneurysm. bastard. so eventually they opened the gates, etc etc. nothing to speak of there. triggered a 5000meter sprint towards the at&t stage by the devoted few. clearly a spectacle. We walked, made the fourth row, never realised standing in front of an empty stage would mimic the feeling of meeting someone large and important. it did sort of. of course all three times ive seen radiohead ive had a similar feeling. could be worse, could be the jonas brothers. i digress. so. holy fuck were soundchecking as we came in. then they left for 45 minutes, leaving us to swelter and to begin to enter into conversation with oft-shallow fellow radiohead devotees. 'this will be my third time this summer actually, i went to atlanta and charlotte' ''''oh my GAHD, you are so LUCKY, I had not even CONSIDERED them Playing TALK SHOW HOST and you heard it TWICE'''' At this point i was reminded again not everyone is awesome. especially girls from milwaukee.
Holy Fuck
really good stuff to open things off with. canadian electronic foursome with some good programming work. as with most of the electronic mash up bands they can be quite repetitive, but the fucks held their own. I had their cd, but the proper occasion to listen to them is rare, because they are not that great. live though, they do fine. engaging enough. Milkshake and Lovely Allen are their standout tracks and are some of the best tracks in the genre over the past year. they said 'ay' among other canadian jargonages to boot. 7/10
Its quite hot by this point. yeasayer. kumar, a slimy weasel jew-first name 'ira wolf', a fascist looking drummer and a jangly ululation of a vocalist. pretty cool. good time. the bloggers like them. im not too bothered. 5-6 good songs and some fill. recommend it though. they mash up some middle eastern and african beats which sound cool. they act like crack cocaine and amphetamines live which is pretty bad ass. as seen in a previous blog video. 7.2/10 because they were a little better than holy fuck.
gogol bordello
oh man. eugene hutz and the traveling gypsies. seroiusly, theyre awesome. but the kicker. they brought with them half of the ukraine. they all converged on the rail. expelling the radiohead kids to the steppes, some deservingly, others well, as victims of circumstance. we lost our 4th row dead center spot and ended up on the jonny side about 30 people off of center and about 15 back from the rail. still a pit spot, but not a 1000 dollar spot. i can think of one shitty analogy. house washed away in flood. at any rate, you cant describe a gogol bordello set. so. watch in amazement as eugene hutz and his intercontinental band of mongoloids speak out on the horrors of fascism.
9/10 had they not 'resettled' us. 0/10 for that debacle 4.5/10 average isnt fair. hell ill give em an 8.
im tired so ill finish this some other time.
If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?
Monday, August 11, 2008
the indie kid olympics part 1
11:30 PM