If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Everything that keeps me together is falling apart

I dont like catholics. the way they treat funerals for someone who committed suicide is despicable. Wholly impersonal.they conned me into communion, i dont need to emphasize the irony in that. i dont like it. i have some more thoughts but those thoughts arent going onto the public domain in any format, ever. a legacy is a funny thing. out of one's control and wholly inescapable. the people who say 'we'll never forget you' are the very first to scrub the memories. everyone deals with grief differently, but i think the most common way is to forget, as with anything. ' if we can forget, then it as if it never happened. ' they think there is peace in that. there is no such thing as a good memory. no such thing as a bad memory. its all existence anyway. i dont know what im talking about and i dont really care. completely sober, mind, which is perhaps not a good thing.