ive spent a lot of today reading up on the arizona immigration bill, because i dont really know what all its about. Naturally, I was opposed to it from the first time i heard it discussed, but my opinion was uninformed.
Now, I loathe it.
The carte blanche profiling that it allows for is one thing, and if SCOTUS doesnt shut this down then it certainly will set a precedent for the southwest and southeast to follow in arizona's footsteps. -- A similar bill is already floating around in columbia.
but really, profiling isnt what im most concerned with. Its the deliberate attempts to whitewash the public education system the state. what i mean is there is a top-down policy being created to remove hispanic heritage classes and the like from the schools. All under the guise that those classes preach ethnic solidarity. OK, if thats the case, then dont teach european history. dont have african-american studies. don't let people learn what they want to learn and what is relevant for them to learn. Go on, continue to marginalize national minorites when they are the majority population in regional contexts. Let people be who they are for fucksake. Its an argument that seems to be so void of logic, and it creates the appearance of an internment camp. What dumbness. itd be great if we still had someone like cesar chavez and a strong united farm workers union. somebody with a voice for these people.
Worried about the drug war spilling over? legalize and regulate marijuana. Problem doesnt go away, right away, but it actually addresses it. unlike throwing grenades over a fence. What is that supposed to do? youre feeding the fire dumbasses.
talib kweli is throwing a special show tonight in arizona, he says hes got a song on the issue that hes debuting tonight. ill post it when i hear it.
anyway. this song describes what i think of the powers that be of that state. the lyrics are good.
'Fi all dem fuckin' people who ignore blatant facts just so dem maintain a order beneficial only to themselves'
'how did we get here and where do we go now'
alright, time to fill my ears with some sonic warfare via hyperdub records. later.