If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

pre bob

the last time i wrote something good on here was a while ago, i think. today is a day, as good as any, to change that. dylan is in town today, and thats a good thing. was talking with a good friend the other night and we reached a conclusion about him. he's the only poet that we could think of who has been able to defy, or maybe transcend genre labels. he's not a beat poet, a romantic, or a modernist. whatever. thats a cool thing. go bob. but of course any conclusions about dylan are subject to well, not be conclusions any longer.

i like my internship, granted its but 4 hours old. its a good fit. i love stories and storytellers. and old stuff. and new stuff.