If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

in defense of, part XII

set design.

full disclosure- ive had like 5 mojitos. so where two days ago i was not tom bissell and colson whitehead, today maybe i am. though, id like to think this is more like nick hornby, who certainly had a drink or two whilst writing. maybe perhaps though, irvine welsh-sans heroin.

set design is very big for me, from plays-which i love (still need to see rothko and fela). but musically (though fela is) from radiohead (obviously on the in rainbows tour, it was the best ever, the must anti bush, most traumatic, whatever, set design ever.) my god, the lights, the lights. etc. to bat for lashes, to hell i dunno im fascinated by every show i go to, so after radiohead this is a moot point. that being said, i havent yet watched any youtube videos for the arcade fire tour that ill be an active participant on for wednesday. i use for here in the glaswegian sense. and spoon. spoon is actually a band i like more than arcade fire, but unfortunately im locked in the paradigm that the headliner is the most important band.

this did not use to be the case.

however, in outdoor amphitheatre shows its my experience that the opening act never gets the credit they deserve, even though over spoon's 20 year history they are musically more (dont hate me) significant than arcade fire in terms of the influence they have on genres in general. socially they provide a certain steady outlet too, which is nice. while arcade fire, well musically nobody is really ripping them off, and socially the mainstream perception of them is well theyre left wing, so we like them and they have a haitian girl, so thats topical. in a slightly more lucid state (though i feel quite lucid enough, thank you very much, just not willing to spend time elaborating) id well, elaborate more. for lack of better words. fact of the matter is, and heres the point im trying to make, is that people take arcade fire at face value, though they really shouldnt. i mean to be honest, most people, in fact not most people, but only really like 10 people in the world listen to arcade fire through through the lens of habermas, et al, etc. habermas because of deliberative democracy, but others for other things.

anyway thats more or less what ive got on that. i started this meaning to say i havent seen the set design for arcade fire so im ready to be surprised. and i always wanted to see spoon first in austin so maybe this is a bit bittersweet for me, and im willing to demphasize losing my spoon virginity to ugly hotlanta. thats really what i meant.

anyway, im in the mood for new jersey