If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

have noticed that krugman,et al. in their respective columns have noted (not positively) nearly every s.c. rep/senator (sans clyburn) over the last few weeks on healthcare. every point they (reps/senators) have made have not only been in my opinion wrong, but more importantly based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the bill in committee.

or i wonder, is it they understand the bill perfectly (as they undoubtedly do) but realise that their respective constituencies stand no chance in hell of even trying to understand the content (to the reps personal gain)? certainly, because it sthe way our system works. hedge your bets..

and they are saying 'this bill is too complex, blah blhah. is it? well certainly, but could it be any more confusing than our defense spending bills (which in truth fund very little of the meaty stuff of the pentagon's spending , as thats all done with secrecy). and in fact, its pretty clear if you read it.....

how can it be socialism if in creating a separate government-run insurance entity to operate within the market you in fact CREATE COMPETITION amongst insurance companies bargaining for customers? lowering costs, while covering more individuals.

we can sum this up with some godard- 'to be or not to be? thats not really a question.'

and now the real stuff.

from our friends kieran hebden/fourtet/william bevan/burial (are they really different, etc,etc, did that blog a year or so back on that)

heart break is thom yorke writing songs for twilight 2. come on thom, watch true blood.