hi. ive covered some miles in the last few weeks. currently totaling how many miles exactly i noticed that in 4 days of trying to speak french (poorly) that for the time being my syntax in english has gone to shit. whatever. ill break the trip down, more for my sake than yours.
plane aberdeen to dublin. person sitting next to me (american that i had met 2 weeks prior) was amazed that i was able to point out what we were flying over. i wasnt, because google earth does that to you, and thats the problem (not really). the passion of flight is reduced by google earth, totally. this really is not a problem. dublin airport, like all european airports, is wildly inefficient. like heathrow, it has become too big for itself. the bandaids dont work. not my problem though. dublin has been destroyed. it has become a sick parody of itself. my 1 day with the americans (i had planned my solo trip, to find out 3 americans would be in dublin for the day i was there) was spent trying to avoid them in order to find joyce and beckett haunts and sight glen hansard. i was mildly successful. the one thing that dublin does well is to put these little placards up in places that joyce mentions in ulysses. thats ok. but dublin in itself has become piss. i left there for cork. irish countryside (county Tipperary) is nice, but not the best. not to mention i had that tune 'its a long way to tipperary' stuck in my head, as the meter fit with the train. so that was an interesting train ride.
tired of writing this so ill finish this some other time maybe. the good stuff is in my moleskine anyway, so dont worry.
If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
hello update whatever have you
10:13 AM