not much too write about tonight (which means ill write for 2 hours). i do have a thing or two to say, however. it feels like the night before xmas from one of my earlier years. tomorrow should be a funny day. john judis of tnr has picked a cabinet, which to me is reflective of the sheer 'obamaness' of this whole thing. condi rice to stay on as sec o' state? (judis clearly considers it) does she not hold the title of neoconservative/neorealist in chief? romney? thats would remove the 'socialism' stigma, but in so doing will show that obama never wanted anything close to socialism. al gore! id like it. it would likely give me a bureaucratic job.
i want to put in like 20 election songs and be all cool like that, but instead
1998-2005 british indie may be one of my favorite era's of all time.
If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
2:57 AM