If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

today's real post

its good to talk about hukyamington- you know who i mean. I lump them, its easier, simpler. always something to talk about , always something relevant, always a clear weakness in their theses...

recent poll by the atlantic monthly...

since 2000, the prospects of lib dems is 73%weaker/28% stronger, so say 'smart people'. tricky summations, throw this out. Why is this and what should we make of it...

well the why is obvious, but lets disconnect ourselves from our deep entrenched western bias to make something of it...

Why objectify something that doesnt exist. the 'liberal democracy' can only exist on paper, as with anything structural...

they say a lib dem lets the citizen choose to be free! free in what sense i wonder...

so were on this path (to reach lib dem), some would say we're within a fingers length of reaching it and that will mark the end of man's societal intellectual development-we will have settled on the absolute best form of governance possible...

Naivety and nearsightedness are the new in...

theres really no gain from believing this....an oversimplification of the international structure...

its as if to say the conclusion of the cold war brought some men together, they clasped their hands-thumbed their thumbs-and said 'thats it, pack it up and go home, weve proved the absolute...'

and there really are alot of rich white men who believe in this, and they get their way...

this isnt really a situation where the american right bears the guilt--our left is as guilty...

theres free trade, fair trade, 'fair trade' and 'free trade', 'free' trade...

when not faced with a faced enemy. we like to make up faces. and its 'semiotically fun.' for intellectuals. the world bank gets great data, it really does, i spent a semester pouring over it...

the great thing about alot of data is you can pick and choose things to support your thesis, because honestly, no one-no one, knows what to make of it. if you were to look at it all youd find the lineage to jesus' supposed children, conspiracy theories a la king, and the enigma code. well of course you wouldnt...

Kenya on the rise. of course it is look at this. kenya at an all time low-look at this. it goes on...

Is the economic system more or less reactionary than we think? a good question for someone who knows something. ask it to a dozen and keep track of the responses. youll think no one studied for the test....

so-dont study for the test, it doesnt matter...

and dont vote for any of the 3 who are running for the padded chair...

they dont speak for you...

I dont either...