If having a blog was outlawed, then all outlaws would be bloggers. a fallacy?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

liars liars liars

The show had been in the works for weeks and the band was to announce details for a ticket sale Tuesday on its Web site, radiohead.com/deadairspace, but decided against playing the extra show. Singer Thom Yorke had been ill earlier in the week and "wanted to take no chances" of suffering a setback, a band spokesman said.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

a kiss to send us off

ah but its the last blog before chicago. hopefully i dont die. naught to say at this juncture.

hopefully i come back with horror stories.

one from chicago's finest.

Monday, July 28, 2008

100th post party


my response:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

so i think ive forgotten to talk about the new sigur ros album for about a month. my mistake. its very good. more optimistic. i dont like reviewing sigur ros like this. it speaks for itself really. i bought it at horizon records and he gave me a fourth of july discount. i thought that was funny. because its not like i was buying lee greenwood or even bruce springsteen (though bruce is awesome). kind of the opposite really.

this is the music video, have to download it from their site, because it has some fun nudity. this is one not for mtv. as if they show videos anyway.

why choose between a forest orgy, a beach orgy or a river orgy when you can have all 3?


bjork and sigur ros at a recent festival, 1/10 of iceland's population in attendance (30,000 people).

surprised i havent posted these yet, maybe i have. i dont know what imsaying anymore.

Saturday, July 26, 2008



whats scarier?

the fact that hes awesome or that he looks like morrissey?

these are your ONLY TWO choices for this single question.

ha im funny, arent i?

Friday, July 25, 2008


so i did piazzolla-only until 830. then i decided to watch 'im not there' again.

so good. i really enjoy solitude. alot. more than most would believe. i come out when i need to. and stay in when i need to.

bootleg series volumes 1-3. get it if you dont.



ok watch the fourth session, at least the first 10 minutes, (because thats all ihave watched so far)

fucking dumbasses all around the room.



these guys

adios nonino

so i dont really have any inspiration for this.

its not tied to his birth/death day or anything.

but im going to listen solely to piazzolla today.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

ill run out of things to say when zizek dies


its just more fun this way.

in france the journos are taught both to discern and to extrapolate. and to think. but they dont teach just the journos any of these things.

to all the ladies of the world

right, so cronaldo is currently 'rehabilitating' in LA. in a penthouse at the beverly hills hotel, where he has left women strewn across the city, jaded and/or date raped.

And so our story begins.

I read a blurb in a gossip blog, (tell me a better place to get ammunition) (ok i could name a few)
that lauren from 'the hills' tried to approach cronaldo for what presumably she hoped would develop into a bit of a bark-about with the man himself. cronaldo apparently told his handlers: 'who is this woman'. Much to lauren's chagrin.

anyway that brought about a few things for me to worry over.

1)yes lauren, your scope really is limited to under 21-girls, (and some other curious few, with ulterior motives of course)
2)cronaldo probably has no clue who 99% of his pitch woo's are, so the fact that he asks who she is means she must be, in his opinion, irrevocably disgusting.

and so even from this we might think
3)mtv has mastered the 'reality' 'show.'
4)they have optimized that shit.
5)the women they got for the hills are not too hot as to require expensive contracts, but good looking enough to still get around except with the most highly-rated male types.

hence, i bring you this self-explanatory ditty brought to you by yours truly


the lyrics are significant

Hey this is pretty funny and maybe the best thing ive seen all day.

his smile after saying 'radiohead' is quite funny.
the way he says 'google' is kind of soothing.

speaking of charlie, hes doing a bit on "OBAMAS WORLDWIDE CORONATION TOUR" tonight.
ill have more on that maybe tomorrow, after the dust settles (but maybe im just giving jon chait some time)

listening to idioteque at the moment

'we are not scaremongering, this is really happening'

those lyrics are funny to think about.
cause we might be.

the thom dance in case youve forgotten.

the acceleration in blogging can only mean im happy in a sense.


did i post this yet?/?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

the worlds first lacanian-stalinist DJ (probably not the first)


sorry people, im full of them today.


The man would be proud. picture zizek dancing to this. happy nightmares.


No you di'nt


chicago economists dont vote for people who they think are 'nice.' its a well known fact, people.

Sex, drugs and first-world politics

So i just finished listening to Carla Bruni's new album. I think ive uncovered a tryst between a chanteuse and the current president of france. oh wait....

''Tu es ma came,
Ma toxique, ma volupté suprême,
Mon rendez vous chéri et mon abîme
Tu fais rire au plus doux de mon âme

Tu es ma came
Tu es mon genre de délice, de programme
Je t’aspire, je t’expire et je me pâme
Je t’attends comme on attend la manne

Tu es ma came
J’aime tes yeux, tes cheveux, ton arôme
Viens donc la que je te goûte que je te fume
Tu es mon bel amour, mon anagramme

Tu es ma came
Plus mortelle que l’héroïne afghane
Plus dangereux que la blanche colombienne
Tu es ma solution à mon doux problème

Tu es ma came
A toi tous mes soupirs, mes poèmes
Pour toi toutes mes prières c’est la lune
A toi ma disgrâce et ma fortune

tu es ma came
Quand tu pars c’est l’enfer et ses flamme
toute ma vie, toute ma peau te réclame
on dirait que tu coules dans mes veines

je te veux jusqu’à en vendre l’âme
à tes pieds je dépose mes armes''


Oh Gill and Dave.
Thom and co would be mighty-proud, cause this is ace.

Black Star - Gillian Welch

bury the rag deep in your face

part 1 http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5938873/the_killer_elite/

part 2 http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5937455/from_hell_to_baghdad

part 3 http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5938010/the_battle_for_bagdhad

burial is timeless.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Permit check


do this in america and you're called a homosexual and questioned over proper permits.

i like the free verse in the comment section

Les tilleuls à Paris sont en fleurs
Et nous continuons de rêver…

they want you to steal and get caught



significant things used to be overt.....

Saturday, July 19, 2008


this is fun.

This one is for the children


Friday, July 18, 2008

the mothman of gotham


i'm sorry heath, you tried to save that film, but not even you could.

my god a merchant/ivory costume-drama tea-sipper trumps this in every department.

Worst editing ive ever seen. ever. cut like a 15 second car commercial spot. fucking ironic as shit film. oh wow we get it. Sometimes we provoke people. and if you love someone and they die, you can always blame someone. then try to kill that person. BUT WAIT, theres a kicker. they probably love someone too.... oh damn. so let the ''unwilling hero'' (but thats clearly not true) take the fall 'because he can take it.' Throw in poor heath ledger, the most fickle fictional city populace ever caught on film (youll see what i mean, if you havent already), an endless stream of explosions, and harvey dent's own game theory and weve got us a blockbuster with some underage philosophical context. Newton Howard and Zimmer drew up a score that sounded as the new yorker said: 'At times, the movie sounds like two excited mattresses making love in an echo chamber.' Sorry chris nolan, your endless 2.5 hours of climax arent going to get me horny.

Watch Run Lola Run from a few years back if you want to enjoy 2 hours of an endless climax and to actually get something out of it in the end.

tim burton and jack nicholson win. and i dont like either of them.... maggie gylenhaal looks like, as i read in one blog, 'a sad cartoon turtle.' and she does, mind.

oh well. life without utter, utter disappointment (in 'superficial' departments) would lose any sense of perspective. which unfortunately (minus my 'superficial' superficial qualifier), is perhaps a theme nolan tried to convey. but its lost in oh so many things.

Jon Chait Never Had It {Control, that is}


' Reading Klein, you might almost conclude that Friedman devised the hurricane.'

Yeah you would, Chait you fucking mongoloid. What the Fuck. Oh, Chait you and your hyperboles. You make me want to stick my head in the oven.

Klein proceeds to interpret most of the events of the last thirty years as repetitions of the same inexorable pattern: elites forcing laissez-faire policies upon unwilling citizens.'

Chait....is Klein the one we should be accusing of 'oversimplifying'...or is it you?

'(Klein assures her readers that economics was not the "sole motivator" for the war, but her analysis makes no room for any such complication.)'

But if she assures her readers just that, then clearly her analysis HAS made room for said complication. Because she mentioned it. In her book. Where she analysed this said topic.

of what political leanings was milosevic? oh yeah, democratic socialist.
'Why didn't Bush do the smart capitalist thing and simply make a deal with Saddam to drop the sanctions and cut American oil companies in on Iraq's oil reserves?'

Because thats not 'the smart capitalist thing'. its only a 'smart capitalist thing' if everyone stands to gain. and she does explain this through the military contractors fyi CHAIT. Oh and how about this one Chait, you ignorant peanut. If America dropped the sanctions, then everyone else would predictably follow. That would open Iraq for foreign investment from 'name your country here, and add 20 more to the list'. The US 'going america on Iraq's ass' gave the USA occupier status, where they could say what comes in and what leaves. Much easier for USA corp's with no bid contracts to go in and work their magic.

'It seems a little ridiculous to have to point out that Iraq is not exactly a new outpost of unfettered capitalism, with McDonald's and Exxon stations beckoning customers on every corner. The American master plan to transform Iraq into an "Arabic Singapore" has not worked out too well.'

Is the term 'resistance' lost on you?
'So Klein makes a big deal about the comic but stillborn efforts by some Republican ideologues to transform Iraq into a flat-tax paradise, but she also notes that very little privatization actually took place in Iraq, and indeed that the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) had just three staffers devoted to privatizing Iraqi state industries. You would think this latter fact would undermine her belief that privatizing Iraq's economy was the central goal of the war. Alas, no. She thinks it just goes to show that "the CPA itself was too privatized to privatize Iraq."'

OH YOU TRICKY LITTLE SNOT. Maybe the CPA werent the ones acting on that. Maybe that would be a bit too obvious for the CPA to be doing that. Thats like having a club called 'The Murder Club' that fancy going out for seemingly nondescript nights on the town, only to literally, murder. That would make so much sense.

If the point of the war was to hand control of Iraq's state assets to American corporations, wouldn't American troops be protecting those assets (Iraqi Airlines) instead of destroying them?

No, because then Boeing wouldnt have anything to do. As they shouldnt anyway, cause airbus owns. We love to coerce countries into buying Boeing.

You might wonder why John Kerry did not make this an issue in 2004, or why liberal pundits have not crusaded against Cheney's blatant self-dealing.

Dude, i dunno Chait. Im pretty sure everyone but you has made a point about Cheney and Halliburton.

The answer, of course, is that it is completely untrue. Cheney has signed a legally binding agreement to donate to charity any increase in his Halliburton stock.

wall street DEFINITELY does not have shady book keeping. my accountant told me so.

And the Cato Institute is not neoconservative at all. It was virulently opposed to the Iraq war in particular, and it opposes interventionism in foreign policy in general.

I realise that paragraph was quite long and detailed, and contained many point i should have addressed but, i can counter it, in large part, with this: fukuyama opposed iraq. Neoconservatism is the most ambiguous word ive heard in my life. people like chait only serve to muddy it even more.
What she does not mention--not once, not anywhere, in her book--is that Friedman argued against the Iraq war from the beginning, calling it an act of "aggression."

She caught him lying a few times though. Even so, I highly doubt he was informed of the intricacies, given that he died like a week later or something. Its not like we saw this all fall into place the day of the invasion, or in the months leading up to it.

Corporations, which can relocate nearly anywhere around the world, have used their flexibility....

Fact check on aisle 3.

Alright its 320 in the AM. Ive spent an hour and half banging my head on the wall. and he closes with that paragraph. who is to say who 'all of her adversaries are'. Chait you are the one doing the lumping. you are the one assuming that any mention of a group implies total complicity. god i wish i could write an essay on this instead of these little bits. im tired as hell. unfortunately i was more in the mood for ideological mudslinging than to tear poor chait apart tooo much.

Might as well do some rage. ahh 2 weeks til the battle of chicago. i hope they still incite mayhem. come on the lollapalooza. ill put my schedule up in a few days, still cant get it sorted. too many conflicts meh.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shes Lost Control

I know its a been a few days, but i havent put my two cents in on this one yet, and its simple because i havent much time.

WE dont understand irony anymore. Seems to have occurred with the rise of the cell phone (correlation does not mean causation...) but we can have a scapegoat, helps us continue on our apparently steadfast journey into the black depths of missing-the-plot-ville.

I knew ricco wasnt right. the controls are working. Vive la grande boucle. Im still watching.

From my friend David Millar. now on the front lines of anti-doping (though of course he served his suspension).

"It is bullshit... I think it's unfortunate that when things look too good to be true, generally they are too good to be true - and he did look pretty f***ing good," Millar told Cyclingnews. "It is just amazing that he is that irresponsible and doesn't have any love or care for the sport."

"Maybe there is someone behind Riccò who has told him he won't go positive," added Millar. "We need to find out who is behind this, where is he getting his stuff from and who the f*** has told him he can get through controls. It is just bullshit."

"It is not going to happen overnight, this is going to take years. There will be a positive next year - no doubt - and the year after. The bottom line is that teams like ours are changing it. One day there will be 20 teams here with the attitude we have. At the moment, we only have three teams that are really like us - Columbia and CSC - that is not enough, every other team needs to be doing what we are doing."

"They have this culture embedded in them and they honestly believe it is not possible to do these things without [doping] and it is sad," Millar continued. "They are in teams or have been with people from a young age that have told them that the only possible way to do it is to dope - that is just not true.

"You see that Christian [Vande Velde] is third overall and he is doing it without injection, without anything. He is as clean as can be and he is third overall. If you can't do it like Christian then you are not good enough and you don't need dope, and it is as simple as that.

"There is no model, it is difficult to accuse someone due to their up bringing, it is also the circumstances and the people around them. I think Beltrán and Riccò, maybe they have just surrounded themselves with the same people - the ones that are convinced you can't do it without taking drugs."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Something phallic

wow what a blunt title that is. This one is brought on by pd james, children of men, inspector dalgliesh mysteries, etc etc. Currently reading 'the lighthouse'. by currently, i mean its in my hand right now.

'to the right on a spur of rock stood the old lighthouse with its gleaming white walls topped by the red lantern enclosing the now defunct light, and elegant phallic symbol of the past, lovingly restored but redundant. Sometimes he found its symbolism uncomfortable.'

Eww Grosz

Watched La Haine today for the first time in 10 years, and as such the first time I could properly understand it. Good stuff.

Watched Cassandra's Dream, woody allen's latest. Meh. No sexual tension and colin farrell annoyed me a bit. Definitely the weak point in Allen's resurgence of the last 5 years.

I like interpol, really i do. It makes 'that eliot bastard' tolerable. Because really, to be fair, interpol are a joy division cover band that lifts eliot's text, or at least imagery. fun live band too. All black and blue and what not. Turn on the bright lights is defo classic-worthy. Daniel Kessler is good at what he does. Paul banks gets it done. Carlos D is funny.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


did i post this yet. i guess i didnt. Last bit is the best.

Oil for Food in its new (more lasting, more haunting, etc) connotation.

I always forget to reference this ditty on the best album of 2005, of course.
I get to see them in two weeks. shades. lollapalooza looms, and with it comes (hopefully) the most grandiose 3 days of music blogging this blog has ever seen.

And now for two things






or should i reverse my two comments?

you be the judge.


I always knew i was a bit pagan

I'm reasonably sure the streaks in updates of this blog adhere to a lunar cycle of some sort.


read between the lines

Monday, July 14, 2008

the thin moral fiber that 'holds' us together

expeditions in engrish-land.

How are you? I dont remember the last time that i saw you online. I hope everything is okay. Take care.

~~she is not a looker, mind.

Submitted by: the scientific
my dreams were and are doing a doctor.

~~Mine too.


What is today's date? What day of the week is it? What month? What day?

~~This person is quite troubled. My only guess is that the daleks got to him.


this is really demeaning.

the bob loblaw law blog

where have i been?

many different and exciting places, all within my head though. but maybe thats a bit of a stretch.

however, i may have settled upon the perfect mixture of vicarious and 'existential' living. I really hesitate to make a distinction there, because of course we really ought to not break such a thing down into ones and twos, but the ostensible grip of the thing is that we, readily, do it anyway. fuck.

i just read a jack london book 'the star rover' and saw the film loosely based on it, 'the jacket' yesterday. keira and brody, brian eno, a tricky daniel craig cameo, some fun vermont scenery (although filmed in west lothian and our northern neighbor) with its inherent/subtle allusions to isolation, with the D.P. that did mulholland drive, from hell, and scream and austin powers?? we all have to make a buck i suppose. the cinematography of the film in question certainly resembles the first two, thankfully. At any rate, its not perfect, but its good enough.

also saw little children and that was quite the sight.

have some clinic,
